Don't Get Lost in the Fray
In today’s world of information overload, it’s increasingly difficult for retailers to capture their customers’ attention.
Email is missed or flagged as SPAM, expensive television and radio ads are muted or ignored, and direct mail ends up in the trash. Even the most valuable promotions will not yield results if they go unnoticed.
Promotion With Intention
Reach your customers with SMS (text) messaging! Sending customers promotions via SMS cuts through the “noise,” and all but guarantees your message will be noticed. Indeed, open rates for text messages exceed an extraordinary 99%, with upwards of 90% opened within three minutes of receipt. There is simply no other marketing channel that even approaches this rate of engagement. In addition, text messaging is rapidly becoming people’s communication method of choice -- for both business and pleasure. Your customers are already talking to each other by text; why not join the conversation?

Results You Need for Retail
At mere pennies per message, SMS is as cost-effective as it is powerful. At about the same price as or less than email, and far less expensive than other marketing channels, SMS is hands-down the most cost effective medium available to retailers. In addition to increasing promotion redemption, one study revealed mobile coupon redemption rates to be ten times higher than those placed in newspapers or mail. SMS campaigns are adept at increasing overall customer engagement. In fact, customers that are part of retailers’ SMS campaigns tend to exhibit a higher lifetime value than their counterparts who are not. Switch to SMS marketing to turbo-charge your promotions...and the rest of your business!
Is Your Marketing Out of Style?
For years, retailers have relied on traditional channels for advertising promotions; the result is a massive volume of messages getting lost amid all the competing content. Email recipients are inundated with daily messages, and are increasingly relying on aggressive SPAM filters to manage their inboxes. Those factors have contributed to a paltry 22% email open rate, particularly uninspiring given the substantial time and effort that email marketing campaigns demand. Radio and television ads are prohibitively expensive and often missed, as attention is directed elsewhere when programming pauses. Direct mail gets lost, is a strain on the environment, and has open rates between 2% and 5%. None of these old-school channels remain effective; for retailers to reach their customers, they must try something new and current.

Text is the New Black
With SMS messaging, recipients are contacted wherever they are. And if they’re out and about, your promotion is likely to encourage a visit to your store! The immediacy and intimacy of text messaging is unsurpassed.
On top of that, it’s simple -- US TEXT ALERT’s platform allows you to log in from anywhere on any device. Compose your message, upload your list of opted-in contacts, and send.
It’s that easy! Refer to your text message contacts as VIPs and treat them accordingly, with exclusive alerts, sales, and other perks -- and watch their loyalty grow along with your brand recognition.