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Is Your Marketing Stale?

Providers in food and hospitality are keenly aware that, in order to get customers in the door, you have to really stand out against a tremendous amount of competition. Your customers know they have plenty of options and are constantly confronted with advertisements from your competitors. It’s critical that you do something to stand out; indeed, not doing so could very well jeopardize your business. But how can you most effectively cut through all that “noise”?

A Fresh Ingredient for Marketing

SMS text messaging to the rescue! SMS text messaging is one of the most effective ways to reach customers; moreover, since it’s a relatively new form of marketing, particularly when compared to more traditional channels such as newspaper ads, television commercials and billboards -- you still have time to get ahead of the game. With a 99% open rate, text message marketing basically guarantees that your message will be noticed; furthermore, there’s a 90% chance that it will be read within just three minutes of receipt. SMS text messaging for food and hospitality businesses provides an efficient new way to get noticed and boost business.

Bon Appétit!

At mere pennies per message, SMS is as cost-effective as it is powerful. At about the same price as, or less than, email, and far less expensive than other marketing channels, SMS is hands-down the most cost effective medium available to retailers. In addition to increasing promotion redemption, one study revealed mobile coupon redemption rates to be ten times higher than those placed in newspapers or mail, SMS campaigns are adept at increasing overall customer engagement. In fact, customers that are part of retailers’ SMS campaigns tend to exhibit a higher lifetime value than their counterparts who are not. Switch to SMS marketing to turbo-charge your promotions...and the rest of your business!

Your Traditional Recipe Needs a New Twist

Old-school marketing has restaurants, grocers and other establishments relying on traditional channels. The result is an overwhelming number of options, all competing for your customers’ and prospects’ attention. Television and radio ads are expensive, and often perceived by consumers as irritating interruptions to their programming. Billboards are also expensive, and passersby find their messaging difficult to remember and act upon. Emails, with an average open rate of just 2-5%, are increasingly unreliable due to aggressive spam filters and the sheer number that flow into recipients’ inboxes. None of these traditional channels are cost-effective or efficient, it’s time for food and hospitality business owners to update their strategies to reflect the evolving culture of today’s consumers.

Refresh Your Communications Palate

With SMS text messaging, recipients are contacted directly, wherever they are. They can receive your message on-the-go and review it again later if needed, immediately boosting the effectiveness, memorability and intimacy of your communication. Once your contacts start receiving your exclusive offers, sales and other perks, they’ll respond in turn, and you’ll reap the benefits. Studies have indicated that 75% of people would like to have offers sent to them via SMS; indeed one such study revealed the opt-out rate for SMS restaurant campaigns is just 2.7%. Your customers will appreciate the more “human” approach of your direct, personable communication, and their loyalty will increase accordingly.

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